I love hand knit wash & dish cloths. I am slowly replacing the lesser cloths in the house for these super spectacular wash cloths. These are the gifts of the future, everyone I know will be getting one of these awesome cloths with a personal message. These are a present for my sister's birthday, I know she will love the Skank and Skull collection. I searched forever for a great pattern and the one I love is from Knitty.com here is the link. http://knitty.com/ISSUEfall06/PATTbacktoschool.htmlI changed the text and art but stuck with the same knit pattern for the body of the cloth. Totally worth checking out.
So, for Valentine's Day I handspun 250 yards of wool yarn, dyed that yarn and knit up a pair of the coolest frickin' socks ever. They were to be for my hubby for V-day. He loves wools sock and I thought that the homemade goodness would be perfect for a V-day gift. BUT then I was worried that they might not fit since it was the first time using that pattern, so I gave them to him early. They fit, he loved them, they were warm and comfy - everything a wonderful sock should be. He went off to work in them for the first time, they were perfect. THEN he thought he would do the laundry, in went the handspun, hand dyed, hand knit socks into the wash with his white cotton socks on super hot wash. Then they took a spin in the dryer. Needless to say that I now have a wonderful pair of socks and he doesn't. No more wool socks for him.